Via Valchiampo,48 - 36050 Montorso Vicentino (VI) - ITALY Tel +39 (0) 444 484101 || Fax +39 (0) 444 685486


Available versions:
  • single conveyor belt
  • more conveyor strips sliding in parallel
  • with reinforced structure in case of heavy loads transport (HEAVY MODEL mod. TR-P)
  • with electric control panel
  • with junction box
Optional on demand:
  • rotating wheels with or without brake
  • conveyor belt certificate for food sector
  • others features on demand
  • Text Hover
  • Text Hover
  • Text Hover
  • Text Hover
  • Text Hover
  • Text Hover
Flat Conveyor
Flat Conveyor Heavy Model
Flat Conveyor INOX